The primary deficit, representing the excess of government spending excluding interest payments over tax receipts, is on track to hit a belt-popping 7.7% this year& a level that prompted the International Monetary Fund to say the United States needs to get its act together. 原始赤字,即政府开支(剔除利息支出)减去税收收入的余额,今年有望达到惊人的7.7%&这样的水平已促使国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)敦促美国采取更有效的行动。
New-home prices in China dropped in June for a second straight month as a sluggish economy and excess supply has dampened domestic interest, according to the China Real Estate Index System Survey. 由于不景气的经济和超额的供给抑制了内需,根据中国房地产指数系统调查,中国国内新住房的价格在六月已经是连续第二个月下降。
He said raising interest rates for excess reserves should play a central role in normalising short-term interest rates, while an overnight reverse repo facility could be useful in setting a floor for money market rates. 他表示,提升超额准备金利率应该在短期利率正常化过程中起到核心作用,而隔夜逆回购机制则有可能用来为货币市场利率设置下限。
But make no mistake, in order to mop up all the excess liquidity, the Fed will need to raise interest rates substantially to attract buyers for all the bonds that the Treasury must sell. 然而掩耳盗铃是没用的。美联储为了消除过剩的流动性,必须大幅提高利率,以吸引真正的买家接手财政部发售的国债。
Instead, the real concern is that excess liquidity, as a result of the surge in foreign-exchange reserves and low interest rates, is flooding into shares. 相反,真正应该担心的是,外汇储备以及低利率资金带来的过剩的流动性大量涌入股票市场。
Sluggish growth, low inflation and large excess bank reserves preclude the Fed from raising rates; and while markets have a tendency to forget this, a floored policy rate imposes downward pressure on short-to-intermediate market interest rates. 疲弱的增长、低通胀以及巨额的银行超额准备金,使得美联储无法提高利率;尽管市场容易忘记,但处于底部的政策利率对中短期市场利率构成了下行压力。
Its intended policy of printing money in excess of what the economy demands has resulted in raising real long-term interest rates, not lowering them. 其预定的政策印刷什么样的经济的要求在提高实际长期利率,导致他们不降低超额货币。
The Optimal Retention of a Poisson Risk Model on Excess Reinsurance in Constant Interest Rate with Disturbance 带干扰的常利率超额再保险Poisson风险模型的最优自留额
This excess of savings over investment in the rest of the world is not the result of high US or global real interest rates. 世界其它地区这种储蓄高于投资的现象,并非美国或全球实际利率过高所造成的结果。
Looking at the dollar versus the euro, this premium, or excess return, is defined as the interest rate differential between the US and the eurozone consistent with investors being indifferent between dollars and euros. 试看美元对欧元的风险溢价(或超额收益),巴克莱将之界定为:投资者对美元和欧元一视同仁的情况下,美国与欧元区的息差。
Japanese people who are in debt to consumer finance companies and cannot meet monthly public health insurance payments will get a state subsidy to help them sue the moneylenders to recover excess interest charges. 身负消费金融公司债务、无法缴纳每月公共医疗保险费的日本人,将得到一笔国家补助,帮助他们起诉放款人,收回多付的利息。
Finally, China's excess of savings over investment has helped keep global long-term real interest rates at low levels. 最后,中国的储蓄水平高于投资,这有助于将全球长期实际利率维持在较低水平。
Fears of a recession mean that the spread ( or excess interest rate) over government bonds has risen sharply; 对经济衰退的担忧意味着政府债券的利率差额(或者是超过的那部分利息率)已经急剧上升;
Strong demand for safe assets could produce an attractive return for firms that have excess cash to lend out, particularly if low interest rates persist. 对安全资产的强劲需求可能会为有多余现金可出借的公司带来可观的回报,特别是如果利率继续维持在较低水平。
A big reason is because commercial banks which still intermediate about three quarters of all capital have excess reserves and are therefore insensitive to interest rates ( as, of course, are state-owned enterprises). 一个重要原因在于,商业银行它们仍然是占全部资本四分之三的中介渠道拥有超额储备,因此它们对利率不敏感(当然,国有企业亦是如此)。
The existence of all this excess capacity keeps interest rates and inflation low, so monetary policy is not compelled to mop up any overflow. 严重的产能过剩让利率和通胀保持在较低水平,因此,我们不必动用货币政策来吸收任何溢出。
The excess food source raised and sold could also be used to pay off the loan more rapidly minimizing the interest given to the banks. 售卖的富余粮食可以被用来更快偿清贷款,这样就最小化支付给银行的利息。
It added that additional steps would likely be needed, including further mopping-up of excess liquidity by the central bank, but possibly also including additional hikes in benchmark interest rates and or the reserve requirement ratio. 国际货币基金组织补充说,可能有必要进一步采取措施,包括由央行进一步吸收过剩流动性,可能还包括进一步调升基准利率和/或存款准备金率。
A sum of money that is paid by a corporation in excess of interest or royalties charged for the granting of a privilege or a loan to that corporation. 红包由公司付给因授予特权或贷款给本公司的利息或版税以外的一笔钱。
The influence on the base money and the excess reserve of treasury administration institution under different regimes has been analyzed and the feasibility of the fiscal deposit's two-stage system has been illustrated. In addition, the issue of fiscal deposits interest has also been discussed. 分析了不同体制下的国库管理制度对中央银行基础货币和商业银行系统超额准备金的影响,揭示了我国应实行两级财政存款体系的可行性。
Under the circumstances of interest rate liberalization, interest rate on excess reserve as the lower limit of market interest rates plays an important role in preventing interest rates from cutting down inordinately. 尤其是在利率市场化条件下,超额准备金利率成为货币市场利率的底线,对于防止利率过度低调具有其它工具所不可替代的作用。
The holders of non-circulating shares can obtain excess return from share allotment and seasoned equity offering by encroaching interest of other shareholders directly and indirectly. 上市公司之所以偏好股权融资,就是因为上市公司的非流通股大股东可以通过发行股票直接或者间接地侵占其他股东或新股东的权益,获得额外收益。
The "lag" coming from the lacking of the folk resources and the excess of the intellectual's private interest. 批评文体流变之惰性或曰滞后性的形成,源于民间资源的缺乏和文人士大夫趣味的过剩。
Also, investors face more difficulties to obtain excess returns through active bond investment strategy due to the strengthening of market effectiveness resulting from deepening of Chinese financial market and realization of interest rate marketization. 并且随着中国金融市场改革的深化,利率市场化将得以实现,市场的有效性将逐步加强,投资者通过积极的债券投资策略获取超额收益的难度将提高。
The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans. M2 and M1 continually deviation, excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level. 表现为不断迅速增长的巨额的存贷差、M2与M1的持续背离、超额存款准备金的高企和货币市场利率的低位运行。
These phenomena above converge at one point that media pursue its self-interest in excess and sacrifice the public interest. 这些问题表象都集中指向一点:传媒业过度追逐自身的个体利益,牺牲了大众传媒业的公共利益。